Sunday 5 June 2011

Masala Ice tea recipe

Summer is here! So why not make you own ice tea to keep cool.  This is an indian version of ice tea. If you like chai tea,  this is something you'll love. Trust me.  

Masala Iced Tea

1 recipe of masala tea (look below)
4 slices of lemon
2 tsp of mint leaves
3 tbsp of honey

 In a saucepan bowl the water. Add the sliced ginger and the spices. Let it infuse for 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Add the the green tea  for 5-10 minutes. After drain the tea and spice in a pitcher. Make sure that all the spices and tea leaves are removed .  Add lemon and mint to the pitcher. Let it cool and Enjoy!

Masala Chai Tea

8 small slices of fresh ginger
1 cinnamon branch
1 star anise 
10-12 whole cloves
7 cardamon seeds
1/4 tsp of fennel seeds
 a bit of black pepper
4 cups of water
3 bags of green tea or 2tbsp of green tea leaves